Monthly Archives: June 2015


Here’s the scene at UCLA’s Bruin Walk on JFA’s second day of outreach in early June.  JFA staff and volunteers set up five tables inviting people to dialogue with us (one of them is down the walk to the left of the frame).  As you can see, one-to-one conversations were happening at every table.  JFA was invited […]

Comments on a Virtual Life

Sometimes I find myself so stuck to email — sending people links, suggesting discussions, engaging in dialogue in a sort of virtual world — that I stop and wonder, “What in the world am I doing?”  And I’m not even meaning to.  I find it sad.  There is something about the eyes-glued-to-a-screen-while-typing environment that is very […]

A Slice in Time

When I reviewed the photos from JFA’s recent outreach event at the University of Kansas, I was especially encouraged and struck by the photo above.  My brief May newsletter decodes the photo, discusses why it’s special, and explains JFA’s passion for…More Conversations.